AdBlock blocks requests?

AdBlock blocks requests?

frontend requests do not reach to backend

Recently, I came across with a strange bug. My frontend was trying to send a PUT request to my backend but it was never reaching to server. Also, there was not any response object. It was pretty hard to find the cause at first since I was suspecting from the frontend code.

After a while, it turned out that AdBlock was thinking that my request is not able to pass their conditions. The reason behind that AdBlock has a variety of filter mechanisms and one of them is by URL patterns. Thus, if it matches with your request url, then you are basically not allowed to send a request to your backend.

One of these lists was EasyList. You can access to list from here In this list, there are some url patterns like /admin/banners/* and indeed my URL was matching with this pattern!

After the changes in both backend and frontend code to not to match with this pattern, I was able to send requests again.

If you are using AdBlock, you can check the filters from its options/Filter lists. And if you are using another one, I am sure that you can find the relevant options. If you are not sure whether the problem is related with your ad-blocker, I recommend to try to send your requests after disabling it or from another browser that does not have any ad-blocker.

Have a nice day!
